Ducks in Pond (in progress 3), Acrylic on canvas, 24in x 36in

I’m still so grateful to have looked out my bedroom window at the moment that I did to see this beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk staring back at me from about 10 or 15 feet away. Perched on a branch, it just sat there, not moving for at least 3 minutes. On a day when my confidence…
Art at the Artists for Conservation Festival opening night 2018. SO incredibly inspiring.
Video credit: Jackie Bourne 2018.
Audio: ‘Cut Your Teeth (Kygo Remix)’ by Kyla La Grange.
What an amazing moment! Im slowly learning some Hummingbird behaviours and patterns. 🙂 Sometimes a hummingbird will sit on a nearby branch ( I guess to make sure the coast is clear 😉 and then he’ll dart quickly to my hummingbird feeder. I’ve noticed sometimes if one is at the feeder, then some loud…
After months of hoping and wondering when and if the hummingbirds would return to their feeder…they have…just in the last couple of weeks. Sometimes even numerous times a day. They even seem to have a favourite branch. I could watch these guys all day long.
The Ocean breathes life. Almost all living, breathing creatures on our planet depend on it, including us. In ancient times, Pelicans and Cormerants were highly respected around the world and were even symbols for Ocean and fishing. Their images were used to adorn pottery, art and even ancient ruins such as Chan Chan in Peru dating back to…
Video credit: © Copyright Jackie Bourne 2017. Song credit: LAX by Pink elephant
This is was my first time adding sound to a video. One day I’ll get back underwater in some tropical waters and film the real deal with sound but until then this is fun too.
This little guy landed right in front of me as I was walking along and begged me to take his photo.