Maisey, Pet Portrait Commission painting, Acrylic on canvas, 9in x 14in.

Thank you George, for trusting me to paint this vision you’ve had in your head for ten years!
Sometimes an idea for a painting will haunt me for years. This one I’ve had on the back burner since a trip to Spain ten years ago. I knew at the moment I was standing there, it was a moment for me that I’d never forget. A dream realized that the beauty of our…
Many ancient civilizations built and formed structures aligned with the sky, stars, constellations and built them to align with the winter and summer solstices. Palatki Ruins in Sedona where I was last month is one of them. It was build by the SinAgua people about 5-6,000 years ago. As a visual artist (and human), I’m…
Last week, I attended the DoTerra Essential Oils convention in Salt Lake city, Utah. It was amazing and still seems surreal. It’ll take me awhile just to digest and reflect on the enormity of who and what doTerra is and is doing – I knew they’re great. That’s why I became a Wellness Advocate for…
I had to take a selfie at one of the places that inspires me and my art the most…under the sea with the fish and the coral. Though you can’t see them in this photo, there are a couple of sharks over my left shoulder (on the other side of the glass).
Thank you Linus Galleries for posting my ‘Timekeeper’ painting on your Instagram account! 🙂
The Ocean breathes life. Almost all living, breathing creatures on our planet depend on it, including us. In ancient times, Pelicans and Cormerants were highly respected around the world and were even symbols for Ocean and fishing. Their images were used to adorn pottery, art and even ancient ruins such as Chan Chan in Peru dating back to…